Monday, April 6, 2009

            The regular meeting of the Ipswich Board of Education was held Monday, April 6, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Superintendent’s office of the Ipswich Public School.  Chairman Hodson called the meeting to order with the following members present:  Braun, Schaffner, Olson, and Simon.  Also present were CEO DeGroot,  Secondary Principal Osborne, Elem. Prin. Geditz, Bus. Mgr. Weigel, Student Jennifer Rappe, Student Brandi Heinz, Marian Kilber, and Kathy Bauer.

MOTION NO. 4-129-09

            Motion by Simon, seconded by Braun with motion carrying unanimously to approve the agenda as amended.

MOTION NO. 4-130-09

            Motion by Schaffner, seconded by Olson with motion carrying unanimously to approve the minutes of the regular March 9, 2009 meeting, trust and agency report, financial, report, and bills that follow:










MOTION NO. 4-131-09

            Motion by Olson, seconded by Hodson with motion carrying unanimously to approve the open enrollment for Tarynn Kleftman for the 2009-2010 school year.

MOTION NO. 4-132-09

            Motion by Simon, seconded by Olson with motion carrying unanimously to amend the 2008-2009 calendar as follows:  Add May 18th and 19th as days in session with students and May 20th as teacher checkout.

MOTION NO. 4-133-09

            Motion by Simon, seconded by Schaffner with motion carrying unanimously to approve the 2009-2010 calendar, first day of school is August 26, 2009 and the last day May 21, 2010.

            2nd and final reading was held on the Elementary Principal/Technology Administrator job descriptions.

MOTION NO. 4-134-09

            Motion by Schaffner, seconded by Braun with motion carrying unanimously to approve the Elementary Principal/Technology Administrator job descriptions.

            2nd and final reading was held on the Wellness Policy.  Board Member Braun will represent the Board on the committee.

MOTION NO. 4-135-09

            Motion by Simon, seconded by Olson with motion carrying unanimously to approve the revised Wellness Policy.

            Technology Coordinator Bill Mower presented budget figures for the next school year.   Smart Boards and mini tablet labs will be integrated into the classrooms according to the plan.

            CEO DeGroot reviewed previous discussion on summer projects.   He will precede with specs to sandblast the bleachers at the Athletic Complex.

            The first reading on a cell phones for administrators and directors was held.  A copy is available in the Business and Supt. offices.  2nd and final reading will be held in May.

MOTION NO. 4-136-09

            Motion by Schaffner, seconded by Simon with motion carrying unanimously to approve the resignation of Jordon Tolton, High School Science.

            The Board extends a thank you to Mr. Tolton for his three years of service to the district.

MOTION NO. 4-137-09

            Motion by Simon, seconded by Braun with motion carrying unanimously to approve the Elementary Principal/Technology Administrator for Mathew Pollock, contingent on securing all signatures on the original contract.

MOTION NO. 4-138-09

            Motion by Schaffner, seconded by Olson with motion carrying unanimously to go into executive session at 9:00 p.m. to discuss teacher negotiations.

            Chairman Hodson declared executive session over at 9:40 p.m.

MOTION NO. 4-139-09

            Motion by Simon, seconded by Braun with motion carrying unanimously to adjourn at 9:42 p.m.



_________________________________   ________________________________

Dale Hodson, Chairman                              Robin Weigel, Business Manager